Training general

Training general

„Try and surf“ - Beginner course

You learn the most important basics to be able to practice safe alone with kite and board. That means, from wind and weather knowledge, material knowledge, spot and right of way rules, international start and landing signals to all safety procedures, you will be competently supported by us and lead to success. If you are interested, you can acquire a VDWS license through our cooperation school at the end of the course, with which you can prove your skills and rent equipment at many kitespots around the world.


  • Material knowledge (kite setup, lines, equipment)
  • Multi-level safety system on the kite (adjuster, quickrelease, kiteleash)
  • Kite control
  • Spot briefing
  • First flight exercises with the kite
  • Bodydrag
  • Practice first water starts
  • Kite equipment including radio training
  • Bodydrag upwind with and without board
  • Self-rescue and emergency knowledge
  • Meteorology
  • International right of way rules and signals
  • Waterstart (getting on the board and finally riding yourself)
